Muhammad and LeRoy: A Friendship in Art

"resulting in the (unjust) taking away of his Championship Belt and it would be 3 years before he would be permitted to resume his career (my purpose there was) We drawn together prediction drawings several times before his big fights. The first time with a radiograph pen. Then (again) in black and white with Litho pencil. – correction he did the drawings free hand (unavailable for coaching or opinion) I at his side – not just looking on – I was hypnotized by his approach total concentration, involved (every time) till he had covered every [?] of the board, edge to edge. The subject Ali in the ring – describe - - -
20 minutes in to the drawing he raised his (head) from his project and stared across the room where seated on a well worn divan sat Jimmy Ellis and another sparring partner shoulder to shoulder [immersed] in hand coloring a (pulp paper) comic book in what was designed for that purpose (with color crayons).
Ali had worked with crayons and color pencils before with me so I instantly felt what he wanted.
'Champ I volunteer I’ll run back [to] (my studio is 5 minutes away) to my studio and get you some water colors – That what your ready for.'
- LeRoy Neiman
Letter belongs to the LeRoy Neiman and Janet Byrne Neiman Foundation, and is on digital loan for this exhibit.