World Stage: An Olympic Introduction to the Greatest of All Time

Olympic Village Postcard

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This postcard features an image of the Palazzo degli Uffici in the EUR (Esposizione Universale Roma) district, located in the southern part of Rome. The large structure was  built in 1939 and was designed by Gaetano Minnucci. 

This postcard was donated to the Muhammad Ali Center by John Dyrud in 2011.

Olympic Village Postcard

The planning for and construction of the Olympic Centre in Rome started years before 1960. In the mid-1930s, plans were drawn to create a new quarter intended to combine classical and modern architecture and be used as the location for the then upcoming 1941/42 World Exhibition. Due to the outbreak of World War II, however, the exhibition never took place and the district was left unfinished until the 1950s, when Rome won the bid to host the 1960 Olympics and construction resumed. 

EUR Swimming Pools & Office Palace Postcard


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