In the Face of Adversity: Muhammad Ali's Conscientious Objection

Newspaper article from the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 29, 1967.
Muhammad Ali Refuses the Draft
On April 28, 1967, in Houston, Muhammad Ali refused to step forward when his (former) name was called for his induction into the United States Army. He refused to step forward a total of four times, despite warnings from a military officer of the consequences for refusal. On the same day, the New York State Athletic Commission stripped Ali of his title and license to box in the state. The World Boxing Association followed by stripping away his title for a second time. Nearly all athletic commissions across the United States followed, vowing to deny Ali a license to box in their states.
"I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality."