In the Face of Adversity: Muhammad Ali's Conscientious Objection

The Holy Qur'an with a bookmark that reads, "Ali's case against the war."
Donted by Kristen Phillips-Hill in 2004.
The Conviction
On June 20, Ali was convicted of draft evasion and was ordered to pay a fine of $10,000 and serve five years in prison. He avoided prison by posting bail and immediately filing for appeal. Due to the nature of his case, Ali was considered a flight risk and his passport was taken away. His appeal was denied on May 6, 1968, and he filed once again.
Despite the threat of prison and no source of income in sight, Muhammad Ali would state on numerous occasions that he did not regret his decision and would serve time in prison if it came to that.
The Holy Qur'an, Bookmarked for "Ali's case against the war" circa 1971